Lesson: Photosynthesis
Searching for an outdoor science school with free tuition? Look no further than your own backyard. Using their living play tent to have a discussion about the basics of photosynthesis reinforces their science lessons in elementary school.
I needed a refresher myself so here goes: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their own food and also produce oxygen for animals to breathe. As humans, we can cook our food on a stove and then eat with our mouths. Since plants don't have mouths they absorb nutrients and water from the soil through their roots. They also take in sunlight and carbon dioxide from the air through their green leaves. Plants "cook" those elements into food for themselves and release air for us. Pretty nifty!
Here's a short video and discussion guide to tee up this concept before you head outside:
I used to work for PBS stations in California and Idaho so I have a soft spot for PBS in my heart :)
Photosynthesis graphic